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Jesslyn Johnson

Jesslyn was a friend of Ron Wyatt, first meeting him as a student of nurse anesthesiology, and then later as a co-worker at hospitals in the Nashville area.  Ron told her in 1975 that he wanted to go out to Eastern Turkey and look for the Noah's ark formation that appeared in Life Magazine in 1960, but had been cast aside by some as a natural formation, but as a possibility to others who were on that excursion.   Ron knew he could trust Jesslyn and he confided in her important information about his discoveries.  Photo above inside Ron's excavation for the ark of the covenant.

YouTube Video by Jesslyn:


Jesslyn's Testimony





Ron Wyatt liked to talk about his archaeological plans and when I had opportunities over those twenty years or so, I liked to listen. Biblical archaeology was nearly always on Ron’s mind and it seemed that there wasn’t anything that could dampen his zeal for reaching that amazing goal of proving Bible history to be true. He very much wanted to locate and excavate the remains of Noah’s ark, find and document the actual Red Sea Crossing, and see and photograph the real Mount Sinai and the surrounding area in Arabia that the Bible book of Galatians speaks of. There were other Bible places and things that he wanted to find, document, and photograph, books that he wanted to write, and dramatic movies of Bible stories he wanted to make, but until that strange conversation in Jerusalem with the Israeli, he had not so much as had a thought of searching for the Ark of the Covenant, the greatest of all earthly treasures.  


Miraculous conversation


In telling me about his miraculous conversation in Jerusalem with a man from the Israeli Antiquities Authority while they were walking together near the Calvary escarpment, Ron tried to impress me with how surprised he was at what both of them had said unwittingly. He claimed that what had been spoken by his mouth was not by his own will! He had not even once thought of saying any such thing. When Ron and the Israeli were near the Calvary escarpment, Ron’s left hand involuntarily pointed toward a particular area and he involuntarily stated that that was Jeremiah’s grotto and that the Ark of the Covenant was in there. Ron was shocked! He hadn’t been thinking such things and wondered why his mouth would say such words and his hand would point to that trashy-looking place. Ron thought that this area being used as a dump seemed quite unlikely as a hiding place for the ancient gold-covered Ark that held the Ten Commandments written on by the finger of God; but why did his mouth say that it was? How could he be made to say something that he had never even thought about, much less intended to say? Ron also thought it strange that the Israeli official had not expressed a bit of surprise at what he had just said but instead, quite out of the ordinary, the man instantly offered Ron a dig permit, a hotel room with meals, and laundry furnished if he would stay and excavate there.

Ron was so puzzled by this sudden incident that he didn’t know what to say. He even wondered whether anybody would believe him if he should tell them about this strange conversation. He decided to go home and do some research on the Ark of the Covenant.


When Ron came home to Tennessee and was telling me about this miraculous conversation, he was watching my reactions for signs as to whether or not I believed what he was saying. Even though I had no idea of what an "escarpment" was, I did believe him, because Ron appeared to be sincere and I had never known him to tell a lie. And then he strictly told me not to tell anyone what he had just told me.


How I Knew Ron


Ron and his family and I and my family had attended the same church in Madison, Tennessee. We sat on the back pews because of our young children. He and his wife had three children and at that time my husband and I had two (we now have four). Ron was a deacon and sometimes helped pass the offering plates. Ron remembered me from those Sabbaths at church, but my first remembrance of speaking with him was when I was working in surgery at General Hospital in Nashville in about 1970 when he was in rotation as a student nurse anesthetist from Madison Hospital School of Anesthesia, which is now Middle Tennessee School of Anesthesia. I had graduated from the same school about two years before. But I really didn’t get to know Ron until the late 1970’s when he started working at Donelson Hospital near Nashville (now Summit Medical Center), in the obstetrical department where I was then working as a staff anesthetist.


At that time, our work schedules averaged a twenty-four-hour shift every third day, with three anesthetists sharing the time. We swapped shifts often, sometimes working two or more shifts back to back in order to have or give more days off together. One summer, Ron requested to stay at work for a whole week so that he could have three weeks off for one of his many trips. In those days, the obstetric department wasn’t always busy, and only on rare occasions were there two anesthetists actually working together, such as at shift-change when there was more than one case going on at the same time. But many times Ron and I had time to talk for a while at the beginning or ending of shifts when we were relieving each other.


It was Ron who did most of the talking for I rarely had anything to say. It seemed that he never got tired of talking about Noah's Ark. He had great plans for excavating that gigantic pre-flood ship. He wanted people to see Noah's Ark for themselves so they would believe the Bible and get ready for the soon coming of Jesus. He wanted to make a way for tourists to go down into the bottom section from one end and walk through the length of the lowest story where those many separate compartments and the gigantic round containers are and then up and out at the other end. He thought the large containers were for storage of fresh water. In 1987 the Turkish government officially––at a banquet and blood sacrifice at the site of Noah’s ark––recognized Ron as the one who discovered the ark. I was later privileged to be able to hold the forty pound piece of gophered (layered) deck wood that Ron discovered the day of that banquet where so many government and military officials were in attendance and were witnesses of the event. I could see and touch the five layers and the rosin-like substance and square silver nails that held the petrified layers together.    


One of my treasured memories of Ron is the day let me work for an hour on a small model of his version of Noah’s ark. It was probably no more than three feet long, but it was quite detailed. The top decks would lift off to reveal a long hallway with many compartments on either side. My job was to shape the ends of Popsicle sticks as the deck-wood for the bow area. Ron glued them into place. But after an hour, the Popsicle stick box was empty and that ended my shipbuilding experience. Ron said that he was making the model as a gift to present to the governor of Turkey, which he later accomplished. I hinted that it would make a lovely addition to my ship collection, but alas, it was not to be. But after some of Ron's trips, he would bring me a small miniature ship for my collection. They range in size from less than an inch to several inches and are made from wood, metal, crystal or ivory. My favorite is the carved ivory Egyptian boat that he hand-carried to me from Egypt.


Ron always had things to talk about, and mostly he spoke on religious subjects. He sometimes would caution me in regard to the errors that some people were trying to bring into the church. When he shared his understanding of certain passages of scripture, we found that we held the same beliefs. Ron’s favorite writings were Scripture and Spirit of Prophecy. He studied them often. His love of scripture led him to be greatly interested in history and archaeology. He studied deeply into the history of Egypt and Israel and could explain the dynasties of Egypt and who the pharaohs were. He said that King Tut was killed by the destroying angel on the night of the Exodus and that his father was the pharaoh who drowned in the Gulf of Aqaba. Once he brought a book to work about Moshe Diane of Israel. When he finished with it, he asked if I would like to read it; I did, and found it quite interesting.


When Ron was exploring the subject of the Children of Israel miraculously crossing the Red Sea, he read all that he could find about it, first in the Bible, then in Spirit of Prophecy. The information he found in Patriarchs and Prophets helped him to understand where to look for some evidence of the exodus route from Egypt. He made trips to that area and found places that perfectly fit the descriptions he had read about.


Ron soon decided that he and his children, Michelle, Danny and Ronny, needed to take scuba diving lessons so they could search in the Gulf of Aqaba for artifacts from the Red Sea Crossing. On the days that his work schedule interfered with his diving lessons, Ron would ask me to come to work and relieve him long enough to get to his lessons and back. After Ron and his three children finished their scuba lessons, my two youngest sons, Jesse and Teddy, and I also became P.A.D.I. certified divers. Ron, Danny and Ronny made several successful dives in the Red Sea. I was privileged to listen firsthand as Ron related their diving experiences. Hearing about the coral-encrusted chariot wheels and chariots without wheels was awesome, but the news of the four-spoke gold one was most interesting! Ron's thoughts about that were that it had once been on a chariot that belonged to one of the Egyptian priests who accompanied the army into battle. One of the chariot wheels Ron found was officially declared to be of the eighteenth dynasty. That’s when the Children of Israel would have been making the exodus. Ron turned the few retrieved artifacts over to the Antiquities Department. Sometimes they would let him keep something. He let me hold a horse hoof that he had brought up. Several times Ron came back from a dive in the Gulf of Aqaba and said to me, "Jesslyn, I found another pile of human bones”.


I have met and talked with several people who have been diving at the Gulf of Aqaba crossing site that was discovered by the Wyatt family. They all felt that this was truly the very place where the Children of Israel crossed the sea. In 1994, Jesse, his wife Debbie, Teddy and I were at this crossing site with Ron and Richard and a large busload of tourists. Jesse, Teddy and I brought our professional dive boots, fins, masks and snorkels along because Ron had made plans to take us for a private dive and then later take a taxi to join the rest of the group. The timing that had been planned didn't work out so we didn't get to dive in the Red Sea. We were disappointed. But when we got back to Eilat, Ron surprised us by taking Jesse, Debbie, Teddy and me to the lovely underwater glass observatory in the Gulf of Aqaba while the bus took the rest of its passengers to a restaurant for a meal. While walking on the pier to and from the observatory, we could look down into the very clear water and see many formations of corals and beautifully colored fish. The parrotfish were so interesting. We saw several divers there and a bright yellow submarine. 


Down inside the observatory we could walk from window to window and watch the fish swimming in their natural habitat. It was thrilling when lionfish would swim up to the windows and look in at us! While we were watching the constantly changing scenes at the windows, Ron went up top and bought drinks and vegetarian sandwiches for us. What a kind and thoughtful person he was to try to ease our disappointment of not getting to go diving.


The day before, our group had taken the cable car up to the top of Masada and toured the ruins and heard the stories of the Jews who had escaped to this flattop mountain from the destruction of Jerusalem. We went across the road to see and touch the Dead Sea.  It is 404 meters below sea level, the lowest place on earth. Then we climbed on the heavy-ash walls of nearby Gomorrah and looked for the yellow balls of brimstone that helped to burn that very large city. We couldn't explore there long because we were heading for the southern tip of Israel, then across the border to Eilat for a lovely evening meal in our hotel at seven o'clock. On the way, we were to stop at Kadesh-Barnea to see the rock that Moses struck to get water for the Children of Israel. Going south, Ron announced, "There’s Sodom!", as we passed it. I could only get brief glimpses from the bus window. It still lay in gigantic heaps of heavy-ash and brimstone. I remembered Ron telling me that Sodom was too dangerous a place for exploring there and he said, "The brimstone there is as big as my living room"! Soon it seemed that we were driving in the middle of nowhere. There was no sign of life except for us. There were no buildings, no signs and not even any utility poles. The road had turned into one unkempt lane of dirt. As we neared Mount Hor where Aaron the high priest had died and was buried, the sun dropped from the sky and left the summit silhouetted by streaks of orange and pink playing on the clouds beyond. It was an impressive sight! The bus was no longer moving. It could go no further because that was the end of the road. We were now in the Wilderness of Zin. We paused for a brief sundown worship of scripture reading and then we had the choice of staying on the bus, or of searching on foot for the rock that Moses struck. Many of us got out and hurried in the growing darkness over rough, dry stony ground, following Ron and Richard. After taking just a few steps, I turned back to get my flashlight from the bus. I had to run to catch up with the others. The stony, uneven ground made it difficult and dangerous for running, but I didn't want to be out there alone and lost. After walking briskly with the group for fully an hour, and sometimes I had to run to keep up with those long-legged fellows, the search was called off just as some thought they might have found the right place. By then it was dark and we were very far from the bus. Everyone was tired and thirsty and hungry. I felt thankful that I had remembered to get my flashlight, but then I was told to turn it off because it kept people's vision from adjusting to the dark. We had a long disappointing hour of hurrying back over the rough terrain, not being able to see just where to step in the dark. This caused me serious concern because I had a history of sprained ankles. I began to pray that God would not only get me back safely but that the bus would still be there waiting for us. Before reaching the road again, a few people expressed the need to "relieve themselves". There were no toilet facilities around so someone suggested that the men go a little way toward the right and the ladies to the left. We did and it was a relief. But not as great a relief as when we finally got around the last bend and saw that wonderful, though barely visible, sight of the big bus still sitting there waiting for us! I had had enough of wandering on foot in this Wilderness of Zin.  And then the bus got lost! We kept going down dirt roads then turned around in the narrow road to go another direction. Once we came upon water across the road which we did not cross when we went in. all of us were truly lost in the Wilderness of Zin.


The Gulf of Aqaba is very deep in most places.

With the gear Ron had, it wasn’t wise to dive much deeper than 200 feet. Some of his photography was done by lowering a camera down into the water, and some was done while diving with a camera. He very much wanted to explore in the deeper parts of the Gulf. He would tell me about his desire to rent a submarine so he could explore as deeply as he liked. And he was sure that he would find many things from the drowning of Pharaoh's army.


The Bible speaks of the great depths.


Sometimes Ron would come by the hospital on his day off, and also after he no longer worked there, to talk with the nurses and me about a trip he had just been on, or of possible plans for another trip. One day he arrived after a trip to Israel, and in his shirt pocket was the most interesting little clay oil lamp! He had found it in a cave system under Mount Moriah. It was perfectly preserved, almost like new. It is a treasured memory that he let me hold it. It was exquisitely carved on both front and back.  There was a goat standing on its back legs reaching up into a tree. Ron thought it might represent the Tree of Life.


Ron didn’t continue working in OB at Donelson Hospital for many years. It didn’t afford him enough time off for exploring and digging. He worked part-time at different hospitals so he could be free to travel when he needed to.

I continued seeing Ron from time to time, at church, at anesthesia meetings, at meetings about his archaeological findings or at work. Ron consulted with me several times about finding him anesthesia meetings to go to for continuing education points. He had the habit of putting them off as long as possible because his life was so very full. Several times I visited with Ron and Mary Nell in their home, and they visited in our home. Ron sometimes visited with my husband, Ed, where he was working, and talked about his finds. Ed considered Ron a friend. Once when Ed and I went to visit Ron and Mary Nell, Ron was exercising in the swimming pool. He was talking about the Exodus video that Mary Nell had recently finished. When Ron thought up something that he wanted done, he wanted it done quickly. He thought Mary Nell was slow in getting the EXODUS video finished. He said, “I told her, ‘Mary Nell, it took you two years to make that video.’ And she said, ‘Well Ron, it took the children of Israel forty years to make an exodus and it just took me two!’” Ron laughed as he told us about it.


Ron was often talking with others of his plans of finding biblical story evidence, and trying to recruit people to get involved both physically and financially. He knew he could not accomplish these big tasks alone and he needed help. He needed financing for more trips to Turkey, Egypt, Israel and other places. He needed many kinds of equipment such as for radar, for digging, for scuba diving, for photography. He needed money for plane fares, for traveling, for food and lodging, and for paying for the privilege of exploring. He wanted his trips and diggings and findings well documented so people would believe him when he discovered something important. Photography was very important to him, but he didn’t really enjoy that part of his work. He wanted to write a book about Noah’s Ark. He had already written a small one, but he wanted a nice large one with pictures and the latest information about the Ark. He didn’t feel qualified to do a professional job himself so he tried to recruit others to help him.


For a time, Ron was in the process of planning to make a movie about the Bible stories. He thought that the people who wouldn’t take time to study from the Bible might learn Bible truths from watching his movie. He planned to start his story in the Garden of Eden. Danny, Ron’s teen-age son, was to play the part of Adam. Michelle, Ron’s teen-age daughter was to play the part of Eve. Ron described the lovely shimmering golden fabric that Michelle’s dress would be made from. But he never got his film made; he was too busy with work and with his other plans.


I was a very busy mother of four, working full time to support my family. I felt that I couldn’t handle all of the many things that I already had to do. But Ron would look for things for me to do that would help him with his goals. He knew that I had had some photography classes so he talked with me about helping with photography. From time to time, there were several other things that he suggested that I do to help him. One of which was that when I was reading from the New Testament, I should write down all of the verses that were repeated because he wanted to have a new version printed without repetition so that people could read it in less time. But it wasn’t long before he decided to drop that idea.


He often talked about his plans for the future; he had many long-term goals. The more he talked, the more interesting he was. I had never met a person with such high aspirations, but I just couldn’t foresee those things actually happening. I thought he was a dreamer, but his dreams were so very wonderful that it was sheer pleasure just to hear about them. Always, the main goal was to give to the world enough evidence that that the Bible was a true book of history and prophecy, so that they would study it and be prepared for the soon coming of our Lord and Savior.


 In the early years of Ron’s trips and diggings, he would often tell me about something and then ask me not to say anything about it. Many times I would only get to hear bits and pieces about his experiences and they would not necessarily be in chronological order. Sometimes that made it difficult for me to mentally sort the information to try to get a true picture of what was going on. A few years later, he gave me permission to repeat anything that he told me, but then I didn't get to see him often because he was usually either at work or away exploring or in another country or state giving lectures about his finds. When I did get to see him, he was usually busy talking with others and I didn’t want to bother him with questions that could wait. How many times I have wished I had those opportunities again! Although Ron shared a lot of information with me, I rarely asked him questions about his explorations. Mostly, I just listened to whatever he felt like saying at the time.


Ron-Blood Report-Jesslyn

After his evening lecture on January 9, 1999, Ron allowed questions:

(I, Jesslyn Johnson, believe that the report of the analysis of the blood that Ron took from the mercy seat (as directed by the angel in the cave in Jerusalem), is on paper and also on his video that is presently in the cave. That belief comes from things that Ron told me in person, plus from what he directly stated that is recorded on my video that Kevin put on You Tube. You Tube ark of the covenant, 1999, Hi Res. People can easily misinterpret what Ron said because of the way he said it. He was quickly trying to make something clear, but was misunderstood.)

 Ron:  It is no accident that we are here today. God is preparing a people to finish His last work and you are that people.

Q. Are you going to test again to make sure the substance was blood?
. We tested it to make sure it was blood. It is unique blood. I will quickly state this, I know that there are some doctors here, and nurses, and people who are familiar with blood. All of us have 46 chromosomes, unless we have Downs Syndrome. Christ had 24. Each parent supplies 23 chromosomes to a new infant--all right, Christ got 23 from His mother, He got one from His Father, and it was a Y, which made Him a male. He got it not from an earthly Father, or He would have had 46 like the rest of us. When the test results will be shown, nobody will be able to honestly doubt that this is indeed the blood of God's Son. That is why He says that this is His Testimony of His Son. It is His proof to this world.

Q. What about the cells?
A. White blood cells. And you are saying “how can you test a dead white blood cell for chromosome count?” His blood is not dead! When put in a growth medium the cells divided and reconstituted themselves. If that doesn't blow your socks off, I don't know what will!!!

Q. Are you in possession of this blood?
A. Yes.

Q. Do you have this second video available now?
A. I will share it with people who I can trust, when I am told to by one of the four angels that are guarding the Ark of the Covenant, when to release it and to whom. Because I can't tell, people can fool me, I'm not that clever.

Are there any other questions? Yes Ma’am? 

Q. Are you saying that you were able to take a video camera in there and video? Is, is that what I judge you saying?
A. Well, I didn't say that, but there is video available of ALL of this. And there will be shown when I'm told to do so: The Ark of the Covenant, my removing the Tables of Stone out of it, (someone interrupts him briefly) and the blood, and me taking the sample, the analysis. I didn't do this. I took it to a place in Israel where they do this kind of thing. They thought I was crazy when I asked them to do a chromosome count. But after they saw the results, they went crazy!


 Ron said there is video of ALL OF THIS. He listed 5 things:


(1) Ark of the Covenant,

(2) the Tables of Stone

(3) the blood,

(4) himself taking the sample,

(5) the analysis.


The analysis was the last thing he listed that was on film; then he very quickly stated that he didn’t DO the analysis himself. He wanted everyone to know that he only did the filming of the analysis and not the chromosome count itself!! Ron had just admitted that he was in possession of the blood and I think he didn’t want people to get confused and imagine that he had taken a sample of Christ’s blood to a microscope in the basement of his home or anywhere else, in order to give them his own home-done report. He spoke quickly because he wanted to make it absolutely clear that this very important report of the blood of our Savior was done by professionals in Jerusalem, and not by himself.

It is very easy to misinterpret Ron’s words “I didn’t do this!” to mean the videoing. He was admitting to the videoing, but NOT to the professionally-done analysis.  He was just quickly explaining that in his videoing of the analysis, he did not also DO the actual work even though he had samples of the blood. Ron is the one who took it from the mercy seat to the laboratory. He did exactly what the angel told him to do. Ron told me that he left the laboratory with the report.  Later, he spoke to me about the written report that he had.

 Jesslyn Johnson




On a Hill Far Away


After one of the many trips Ron made to Israel to dig for the Ark of the Covenant, he came home and told me that he had found the hill, outside of the walls of old Jerusalem, where Jesus was crucified. How very interesting! That was wonderful news! But I didn't ask how he knew that this was the right place. Again, I just listened. Ron had made numerous expensive trips to explore and dig for the Ark of the Covenant around the area where his hand had pointed. He had prayed a lot and searched hard in first one place then another. Much physical labor had been required from him and his crew, but he wasn't about to give up! He proceeded to tell me that while in the process of searching for the Ark of the Covenant, he had inadvertently exposed some large rocks that had squarish holes drilled out for holding crosses. That was a total surprise for Ron; for he had no idea that he might discover the crucifixion area for Jerusalem! But now he knew that all of his traveling, working and expenses were not in vain.


The news of his important find brought joy to my heart and I tried to imagine just where that hill was and what it looked like! I could picture a beautiful hill in a country setting, with gently sloping sides that were covered with a variety of pretty trees. I could picture a lovely rounded hilltop, well groomed with grass of the perfect length and hue, with enough room for three crosses to stand near each other with a lovely view of the sky beyond. Those were the impressions that I always got when people sang, "On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross, the emblem of suffering and shame". But my imaginings were in vain. I had never thought of Jesus' crucifixion place having been prepared way ahead of time. Recycled cross-holes! Imagine that! Since childhood I had pictured someone with a shovel quickly digging a hole down into not-too-solid soil for the placing of the crosses. How very impractical that would have been. Let's see what the prophet has to say about what the foot of Jesus' cross was placed into.


      “Heaven viewed with grief and amazement Christ hanging upon the cross, blood flowing from His wounded temples, and sweat tinged with blood standing upon His brow. From His hands and feet the blood fell, drop by drop, upon the rock drilled for the foot of the cross. The wounds made by the nails gaped as the weight of His body dragged upon His hands. His labored breath grew quick and deep, as His soul panted under the burden of the sins of the world. All heaven was filled with wonder when the prayer of Christ was offered in the midst of His terrible suffering,--"Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do." Luke 23:34. Yet there stood men, formed in the image of God, joining to crush out the life of His only-begotten Son. What a sight for the heavenly universe!”  Desire of Ages p 761.


So there was rock involved in the crucifixion! And it had been drilled! Deeply drilled to about 23 1/ 2 inches, and made especially for holding the foot of a cross to torture someone to death.


Facing southward toward Herod's temple, Jesus was crucified on a raised area of rock in front of the Calvary Escarpment. His wooden cross had been roughly thrust about two feet down into a rock with a square hole that had been drilled out. Forward of this cross-hole and a few feet below, were other cross-holes, also drilled from rock.


Yes, Ron had found that "hill far away" where the Rock of Ages hung on a cross that was planted firmly in the solid rock.






Then Solomon began to build the house of the LORD at Jerusalem in mount Moriah… in the place that David had prepared in the threshingfloor of Ornan the Jebusite.  2 Chronicles 3: 1.  


      “The destroying angel had stayed his course outside Jerusalem. He stood upon Mount Moriah, ‘in the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite.’ Directed by the prophet, David went to the mountain, and there built an altar to the Lord, ‘and offered burnt offerings and peace offerings, and called upon the Lord; and He answered him from heaven by fire upon the altar of burnt offering.’ ‘So the Lord was entreated for the land, and the plague was stayed from Israel.’ 

    “The spot upon which the altar was erected, henceforth ever to be regarded as holy ground, was tendered to the king by Ornan as a gift. But the king declined thus to receive it. ‘I will verily buy it for the full price,’ he said; ‘for I will not take that which is thine for the Lord, nor offer burnt offerings without cost. So David gave to Ornan for the place six hundred shekels of gold by weight.’ This spot, [the Temple Mount] memorable as the place where Abraham had built the altar to offer up his son, and now hallowed by this great deliverance, was afterward chosen as the site of the temple erected by Solomon.”  {PP 748.5}


     This is the spot on the low, southern end of Mount Moriah where both of the beautiful temples were built; the area between the Golden Gate and Dung Gate.  


     The area on Mount Moriah where Ron and his helpers spent so much time working and digging is farther up the mountain to the north. This is the Mount Moriah where, after Ron’s death, archaeological research groups spent a lot of time and effort researching and digging, and where I had the privilege of sometimes serving as gatekeeper of The Garden Tomb during digs.  Nearby, is where an Arab tried to rob me. The Garden Tomb property is completely surrounded by Arab territory. Arabs control much of Mount Moriah. They would also like to own and control The Garden Tomb. Sometimes they visit there.

     On this area of Mount Moriah is where the Lamb of God took away the sins of the world!

     There are many similarities between the sacrificing of Isaac and the sacrificing of Jesus. Jesus was crucified on Mount Moriah, the mountain of the temples, but not on the flat Temple Mount area to the south where the temples had stood. Mount Moriah is a long, narrow mountain going north and south. It is higher to the north and lower on the south and it is fairly flat. Mount of Olives is to the east and Mount Zion to the west. The present city of Jerusalem has spread to take in more than these three mountains. The old walled city is partly on Mount Moriah and partly on Mount Zion. The Tyropian Valley that divided the two is no longer noticeable, since Herod filled it in for the purpose of enlarging the Temple Mount so he could remodel the temple as he desired. In order to do this, much rock was removed from northern Moriah where an east to west moat-like area was cut out of the mountain. This quarrying of the mountain left a long, jagged cliff called an escarpment, which separates the northern part of Moriah from the rest of the mountain as though it was broken away. Jesus was crucified in front of this cliff or escarpment, facing southward, on a raised stone area containing a large rock from which a deep square hole had been drilled for the purpose of holding a wooden cross for torturing someone to death. Forward of this cross-hole and a few feet downward were three other cross-holes, also drilled from solid rock.





Many times have I looked upon Mount Moriah; many times have I walked upon it during the five trips I have made to Israel, so far, but never once has there been the slightest resemblance to anything I had previously imagined. My beautiful mental pictures of that crucifixion hill were shattered when I finally had the privilege of seeing that "Mount Moriah hill" for myself. As I stood gazing upon the area of the real crucifixion site, I realized that so many things that we think we know about are completely misunderstood. I have traveled from northern Israel to the Red Sea Crossing at the south, and from the Mediterranean Sea at the west, into Jordan on the east. Israel has some beautiful places, but most of it seems to be nothing but barren rocky wasteland, "good for nothing except to help hold the world together" as my father would say. In many areas now, people are working hard to reclaim the soil for growing produce, trees and such. They are doing a good job. There are many interesting things in Israel, especially of historical and archaeological interest. It is a great place to visit, but I would not like to live in that country. Mount Moriah may once have been a hill of beauty, but it certainly isn't now! Today, the real beauty of Moriah is not its outward appearance, but is instead, the privilege of knowing and understanding the glorious wonders of what God wrought for mankind right there on that hill.


Skull Faces


In the cliff near to this crucifixion area is a rocky shape that resembles a large skull face. This area is known as the Calvary escarpment and can be seen from a distance. It is also known as Skull Hill, Golgotha and Gordon’s Calvary. In the stony escarpment at the crucifixion area are large recessed cutout areas that are thought to be where placards were placed to advertise the crime of the person being crucified. The tops of two of these large recessed stone areas appear to be shaped like large eyebrows.  These "eyebrows", along with some other shapes below, remind some people of "the place of the skull" mentioned in the Bible. I am not certain as to which of these the Bible is referring. These two "skull faces" are not far from each other.

In the areas of these skull-faces are the places where Ron and his helpers spent so much time working and digging. The group has recently spent a lot of time, money and effort researching and digging near these same areas.

These are the same areas of Mount Moriah where I had the privilege of spending a few weeks of a couple of summers as gatekeeper of The Garden Tomb during the explorations. Arabs now control much of this same Mount Moriah, which is also the same Mount Moriah where an Arab tried to rob me. Ark of the Covenant's Hiding Place

Ron made many long, expensive trips to Jerusalem to dig for the Ark of the Covenant. He was the one who was sacrificing so much and doing the hard physical work while I was at my job wondering what was taking him so long. One day, after returning from one of his many dig trips, Ron came to relieve me at work. I wasn’t busy at the moment, so there in the anesthesia room, Ron quietly informed me, after years of searching and digging, that he had finally located the hiding place of the Ark of the Covenant! He said that it was in a cave underneath the place where Jesus was crucified. What news! What wonderful news! But I wasn't supposed to talk about it. Ron didn't show me any photos of it and, again, I didn’t have the ability to picture it correctly. I had temporarily forgotten about the cross holes being drilled from rock and I again imagined the same lovely little rounded hilltop covered with the most perfect green grass, only now there must be fresh dirt visible at a hole in the side of the hill where Ron had been digging. And so I thought that he had made a terrible mistake by going off and leaving such a find, the most important artifact in the whole wide world, for someone else to stumble across and take possession of just because he had to leave Israel in a hurry to come home and relieve me at work. When I let him know how I felt about it he just said, “Oh, it’s alright, it’s well guarded!” He continued by informing me that I shouldn’t tell anybody about it because there was very little that he was allowed to reveal about the find at this time. He said that if he told more than he was allowed to say, his life was in danger because “they” would kill him. Ron said that "they" had ways of knowing whether or not he had revealed too much. I didn't ask and he didn't tell me who "they" were.   assumed that he meant the Israelis who had given him permission to dig. I felt so honored to be let in on such an important secret, but it was certainly enshrouded in a lot of mystery! When our conversation ended, I quickly gathered a few of my belongings to take to my car. In my hurry, I carelessly put a book on top of the Bible I was holding. I didn't intend to, for I usually was very careful about my Bible. Ron quickly said, "Jesslyn, don't ever put anything on top of your Bible"! I have never forgotten what he said. Anytime I am tempted to put something on my Bible, I seem to hear his voice again saying, "Jesslyn, don't ever put anything on top of your Bible"!


The Greatest News

 By Jesslyn Johnson


Later on, after some of Ron's next trips to Israel, he again came to relieve me at work. Fortunately for me, it was one of those quiet times when there was no anesthesia activity going on. After a brief greeting and report, I was ready to go home. Ron was an outgoing, rather talkative person, but this morning he was unusually quiet. He wore a serious expression on his face, as we were standing there alone in the room. He kept looking toward me and then away. Each time he looked toward me I thought he was going to say something, then he would turn quietly away. That was not like Ron. He usually didn't hesitate to say just what he wanted to say. It seemed that he was trying hard to get up the courage to say something, but yet was unsure that he really should. He slowly glanced about the room as if to make sure that no one else could hear what he might say. Then he stepped a little closer and looked intently into my face. I began to be curious as to what this was all about, but I said nothing and just waited. It was only a little while that we stood there facing each other but time seemed to stand still in the quiet of his indecision and of my wondering whether or not I was going to be allowed to hear about that mysterious subject on his mind. I then looked up into Ron's clear blue eyes and felt that he was searching mine for some assurance that I would not betray his trust in me; like that he needed the comfort of knowing ahead of time what my reaction would be to this information that evidentially was intensely important to him; that I might be open-minded enough to actually believe what he might be willing to share with me, and that if I didn't believe him, at least I wouldn't laugh nor make fun of his seriousness. I thought that he should know already that I was trustworthy. I was getting more curious as the seconds slowly slipped by and I actually began to be afraid that Ron's decision might be that he would refuse to tell me now, about what was probably his latest secret news from Jerusalem. At least, that's what he had been talking about lately. I became really interested in hearing whatever was on his mind right now, so I dared not say anything for fear that it would spoil his train of thought. Would he tell me, or wouldn't he?


At last Ron made his decision; he would take the chance of sharing with me his latest archaeological news. Still watching my face, with bold confidence he stated in one profound sentence, "Jesslyn, the blood of Jesus fell on the mercy seat and that's when our sins were forgiven"! He said no more; at least that was all he told me that day. But it was enough! My heart seemed to stand still! I was totally overwhelmed! I stood there in utter shock and amazement. Not in disbelief, oh no!  I believed it all right; oh, how I believed it! With all of my heart I believed it! It was the most wonderful news that I had ever heard. And I had reason to believe that Ron would never find anyone else in the whole wide world that would believe his precious news as instantly and as thoroughly as I. But in my utter shock, I was unable to tell him so. I was unable to speak! I was unable to move! I was physically standing there in the anesthesia room, but as soon as I heard Ron's wonderful words, my mind was instantly transported back to my childhood days in Poplar Bluff, Missouri, back to the little brick church on the corner of Maud and Selma streets where, in the large basement room, I had attended church school for several years. I had enjoyed the Bible lessons that were taught there. I had an inquisitive mind but I was far too timid to ask questions about things that I didn't understand. Though I was standing there in front of Ron with my eyes wide open, it seemed that all I could see was myself as a nine or ten year old girl in that one-room school, wondering why God didn't put the blood of His Lamb on the mercy seat like He was supposed to do!


I knew about the sanctuary services and blood sacrifices.  I knew that a slain sacrifice was not complete until the blood was applied.  I knew that God required perfection in the sanctuary services, for He even killed some of His priests for not getting it right!  It seemed to me that God was not fair to make those human priests abide by all of the rules when He, Himself, didn't bother to finish His own Sacrifice!  God was God and could have done anything He wanted to do, and I thought that He just let His Lamb hang there on the cruel cross and bow His head and die, and then He gave up and quit before He was finished.  Oh, yes, I knew about the Roman spear in Jesus' side.  And I knew that there were witnesses to the blood and water gushing out of Jesus.  But I never heard of any scripture that told of the proper application of the blood of God's Lamb and I wondered what the problem was.  I didn't know how to search the scripture for myself but I knew that the blood of bulls and goats could never take away my sin.  Would I ever know for sure if Jesus' blood was properly applied for me?  Though I was distressed over this for a time as a child, I came to realize that I need not doubt my heavenly Father because He always does all things well.  I gradually accepted as fact that I would never be able to understand that deeply hidden mystery of the blood of Jesus.  It was truly a mystery until right now, when Ron spoke privately to me those never-to-be-forgotten words, those life-changing words, "Jesslyn, the blood of Jesus fell on the mercy seat and that's when our sins were forgiven"!  Oh, blessed, long-awaited news! News that only God could know that I needed to hear.  And so He miraculously led His servant, Ron Wyatt, to find the actual evidence of the promised propitiation gift of the holy blood of the Lamb of God, upon the mercy seat of the golden Ark of the Covenant that was not in Herod's temple at that time, but was instead long before hidden in a cave beyond the Damascus Gate and under Jerusalem's crucifixion site, where the blood of Jesus landed as it fell through the crack at the bottom of that "rock drilled for the foot of the cross".  As God had previously made Daniel a prophet of these things when he wrote that Messiah would make an end of sins and anoint the most holy place, and John an essential eyewitness of where Christ's blood and water went, so He now, in these latter days for us, also made Ron His personal witness that Daniel and John wrote the truth about God's Sacrifice.  And God remembered that I needed to know that His Sacrifice was completed and He lovingly sent Ron, privately to me, to bear witness to the truth of His unblemished, perfect, "nothing-left-out" Sacrifice of the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world.  Like a brilliant light suddenly shining into a dark hole, this wonderful truth perfectly filled a great void in my soul.  It meant that I could now, with confidence and assurance, go boldly before the throne of grace to ask for forgiveness, because the propitiation blood payment for my transgression was paid in full at the cross, while still warm, upon the propitiorium, the mercy seat, right where it belonged!  It had been there all along; I just didn't know it.  God was so good to allow this "time of the end" light of his beautiful truth to shine on my pathway directly from His personal witness, who happened to be my trusted friend.  It was the most wonderful news that I had ever heard, but I was too surprised by it to even thank Ron for the joy that he had just brought to my heart!  I don't know what he thought about my response to his wonderful news.  He just stood there for a little while without saying another word and then quietly walked out of the room. 


My Old Bible Books


I thank God for Christian parents who believed in going to church on God's Sabbath and who were willing to sacrifice to send their children to church school where portions of the bible were taught in every grade.  I enjoyed the Bible stories. The memory work didn't come easy, but I wish I had learned more.   

For many years Mother kept up with my old Bible-class books for grades one and four.  I have inherited them.  They are two of my earthly treasures.  They were both copyrighted in 1925.  The first-grade book is entitled True Education Reader.  The death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus were briefly explained therein, in very short sentences with large type letters.  I liked looking at the nice illustrations.  I had started in the first grade at age five, so in the fourth grade, I would have been nine for the first several months and then ten.   That is when I started wondering about why God didn't finish His Sacrifice.  But I learned to trust that God does all things well, not knowing what a wonderful surprise awaited me after I would meet Ron.  My fourth-grade book is entitled Bible Lessons From Egypt to Canaan by Ella King-Sanders.  It teaches many of the details of the sanctuary and its services; the "typical" services performed by the earthly priests that pointed forward to the "antitypical", or "fulfilled", services provided by the sacrifice of the Lamb of God.  On page 65 is a story that I must have been relating to.  It was the story about the very first Passover in Egypt when the death angel was to fly over Egypt at midnight and slay the first-born of man and beast, unless they had applied the lifeblood of the Passover lamb, with hyssop, upon the doorposts of their houses. 


The story is told, by a poet, of a little girl who could not sleep that night.

“Father, are you sure the blood is on the doorpost?” was her question.

“Yes, daughter, go to sleep; the blood is there.  A faithful servant put it not only on the side post, but on the one above.  Rest, little one, rest,” said the father; but she could not rest.

At last she begged him to take her to the door that she might see the blood.  In his arms he took her to the door.  His face turned pale, for, lo, no blood was there!  The father himself hastily seized the hyssop and sprinkled the blood on the doorpost.  Then the little girl fell asleep.


And now, I too, can rest peacefully in the arms of my heavenly Father because He has let me see, through His trusted servant, that the lifeblood of God’s perfect Antitypical Lamb was truly applied for me. Since Christ our Passover was sacrificed for us, no longer need lambs be slain (see 1 Corinthians 5: 7). Just look by faith to His holy blood that He sprinkled upon the mercy seat, and in His loving mercy He will save you by sprinkling it upon the doorposts of your heart.



By Jesslyn Johnson

  God's TIMING


God's Sacrifice was truly and thoroughly finished at the cross.  It was, in only one Sacrifice, to fulfill many types and purposes.  It was to fulfill God's promise to give sinners a second chance that we now have, since the crucifixion.   It was for eternal redemption, for eradicating sin from the whole universe, for finally getting rid of the originator of sin, for bringing in everlasting righteousness, for fulfilling all of the blood sacrifices, for ratifying the New Covenant.  Christ was only to be offered once.  He went to the holy place in heaven after the resurrection, not the most holy.  Christ's blood on the mercy seat in Jerusalem was not meant to be found during the time of the antitypical daily sacrifices, but after the time of the antitypical Day of Atonement, which started in 1844.    

 Many times over the years Ron's life was in danger as he traveled on missions for his LORD.  Evidentially, Satan didn't like what he was doing.  Ron was held hostage in one country, imprisoned in another and suspected he was poisoned in yet another.  His greatest concern during those times was for his children and his wife.  But his greatest ongoing hurt was that his own people, his church as a whole, did not believe in what he was doing, did not support him financially nor physically nor accept as truth all of the biblical evidence that God led him to.  The main church magazine actually published three articles against him.  The Australian Standish twins went so far as to publish a book of over three hundred pages for the purpose of stopping people from believing anything that Ron said regarding his archaeological findings.  Never once did either of them go to these places to investigate for themselves.  They didn't even know Ron.  One of them had never met him and the other twin reluctantly met him only once.   I have found many, many errors and insinuations in the book.  What a dastardly deed!  But it seems that all through history God's true people have been persecuted, particularly by their own people and others who think that they are doing God service.  

 I wondered about all of the times that Ron had to place his life "on the line" as he traveled so very many times to do service for his LORD.  And I wondered at the rising death count of people who interfered with the work that God had given Ron to do.  Ron had nothing to do with the death of all of those people.  God took care of that, Himself.  And Ron had nothing to do with all of the lies that are going around about him and his many archaeological findings.  Lots of people are trying to take credit to themselves for many of Ron's finds.  Many books are being sold and movies are being produced to give credit to evil people for what God led Ron to, first.  Many others claim that Ron was just a fraud and should have recanted everything he said.  God will take care of that, also.  Praise to the name of the LORD!

 As I was walking near The Garden Tomb with my roommate, Viveka, from Sweden, an Arab unzipped my purse and had his hand in it as he was bumping my shoulder and speaking loudly into my ear while appearing to try to sell me a series of unfolding postcards.  The Lord knows I hadn’t planned to hit that man; it just came involuntarily as a reaction for protecting my valuables.  I needed my money, my passport and my plane ticket to get back to my home that was on the other side of the world.  We had been told never to leave the hotel without our passport.  The thief would surely have run away with my wallet that was lying on top of my passport and plane ticket, but for one simple detail.  Just a few seconds before, as Viveka and I were leaving The Garden Tomb to walk one very short block to Jerusalem Hotel, which is the Arab hotel where Ron used to get a cheap room, I finished drinking the last bit of water from my plastic bottle and looked around for a place to discard it.  I didn’t see a trashcan.  Much of this area of Jerusalem is really dirty with lots of trash thrown about and I was tempted to throw my empty bottle down for I really didn’t want to carry it around.  Yet I didn’t want to feel guilty about adding to all of that trash, so I reluctantly dropped it into the top of my purse, which was hanging from my left shoulder.  I closed the long zipper at the top and clutched the bag with my left hand where the bag and strap meet.  We left The Garden Tomb's driveway and continued up the sidewalk so I could visit and photograph the hotel where Ron used to stay when he was working in Jerusalem.  Within seconds, that man had unzipped my purse and his right hand was down inside, no doubt clutching that empty plastic bottle instead of my wallet.  When I saw where his hand was, I hit it as hard as I could while yelling, "Stop that!"  He just stood there with empty hands, appearing a bit confused, as Viveka and I hurried away.  I am sure that God intervened for me by prompting me not to throw away that empty bottle so that it would be the top item in my purse instead of my wallet.  (A few days later, we heard of a purse robbery at the same place as my encounter, by a man of the same description.)  Viveka and I had a refreshing fruit drink at Jerusalem Hotel and then we requested to view a guest-room there.  We wanted to see what the place was like where Ron used to stay while he was searching for a passage that lead to the Ark of the Covenant.  We didn't like what we saw in the hotel room; everything looked ancient and most uncomfortable, and they were now charging eighty-three American dollars per night instead of the five dollars that Ron used to pay. 

Less that a week after I had arrived for the 2007 dig, there were three tourists walking down a sidewalk together when, suddenly, an Arab came up behind them and stabbed a Frenchman to death.  I had spent the day in this same area just four or five days earlier, as a volunteer member of our group's Resistivity Team.  This modern radar can scan fifty feet down into the ground.  God took care of us there also, even though a few hours of the work had to be repeated due to some very mischievous Arab boys trying to prevent the scanning.   Sometimes I had to put myself in between them and the expensive equipment they were trying to dismantle or damage.  The police would do nothing about those boys and we could not for we were in the Arab section of Jerusalem.  Our hotel was not in the Arab section.  It was near to the famous King David Hotel.  Our brand-new rented van was behind our hotel in a guarded lot.  It was stolen and taken away from Jerusalem to an area not controlled by Israelis.  One person in our group had his wallet stolen while riding in a taxi.  It was common for people to have cell phones taken from their person while walking down the street.  Each time we went to the grocery store, we were searched for explosives.  Jerusalem has a lot of beggars.  I heard someone at the hotel say that Jerusalem was the most wicked city on the face of the earth.  I would not dispute it.  

We were warned not to get into a taxi with an Arab who wanted to take us to Bethlehem, which is six miles away, because it might be a fatal one-way trip!

The crucifixion site and the tomb where Jesus kept the Sabbath, even in death, are in a small piece of real estate in Jerusalem called “The Garden Tomb”.  I feel that The Garden Tomb is the most important site in Israel for tourists to visit, though it is not nearly the most popular.  This property is owned and managed by a group of Anglicans from London, England.  It has high walls all around it, for it is completely surrounded by Arab territory.   Tourists who came to visit were kindly questioned as to whom they were and why they wanted to come in.  I spent several weeks there as a gatekeeper, primarily for some archaeological digs, and was honored to be able to open the huge locked gate for the former Archbishop of Canterbury and his family members after they had finished their tour.   

Scripture states that Jesus was crucified in a garden.  The Garden Tomb is a well groomed

garden of trees, plants and flowers.  Its main feature has been the walk-in tomb that once belonged to Joseph of Arimathaea.  The Garden has Roman-age cisterns with great capacity for watering gardens or vineyard.  There is an ancient press for grapes or olives.  And it is very near a large, rocky skull-face in the escarpment, which may be the one scripture speaks of as Golgotha, or Calvary.  It is near to the old Damascus Road where many people passed by.  It is only a block or two from the beautiful, and newer, Damascus Gate, which was built by Suleiman the Magnificent, the Sultan of Turkey from 1520 to1566.  The present Damascus Gate is built above the old, still usable but usually locked and trashy, gate that is now called Roman Gate.  Roman Gate is the one that they brought Jesus out through in A. D. 31 to take Him outside of the city to crucify Him in the place called Calvary or Golgotha, which was the customary place for stoning or crucifying people.


David built there an altar unto the LORD, and offered burnt offerings and peace offerings, and called upon the LORD; and he answered him from heaven by fire upon the altar of burnt offering. 1 Chronicles 21:18,25,26.

Do a study of "fire upon the altar" compared with Jesus' cross.

Ron told me, at Donelson Hospital, that one night while there in the anesthesia sleeping room, Satan tried to kill him. Ron lay down to sleep and covered himself with a blanket. Suddenly the blanket rose up and tightened around his throat, choking him. He fought the blanket while praying for help. After a time, the blanket relaxed and the choking ceased. Ron relaxed and tried to sleep. Again the blanket rose up and tightened around his neck, choking him. Ron fought desperately, as he again prayed for help. God prevailed and Ron was spared.

Another time, after one of Ron’s many trips abroad, Ron told me that he thought that someone in Jerusalem tried to poison him.

Ron said, “Don’t go to any meeting where people try to tell you that there is no Holy Spirit.”   




by Lydia Jesslyn Ice Johnson


The Elijah message is the good news of the simple gospel of salvation. Salvation comes by simply having faith in the blood of Christ as our promised propitiation. God’s propitiation is the free gift of the blood of His sacrificed Lamb on the mercy seat [propitiatorium] to pay for our sin.

John the Baptist said: “Make straight the way of the Lord, as said the prophet Esaias [Isaiah]... And looking upon Jesus as he walked, he saith, Behold the Lamb of God!”  John 1:23, 36.

 It was hard for people to accept the fact that John the Baptist was one of the prophesied Elijahs. Christ’s disciples also found it hard to understand. Jesus said: “And IF ye will receive it, this is Elias, which was for to come.” Matt. 11:14. While John was in prison, Jesus preached the gospel of the kingdom of God and asked people to repent and believe. See Mark 1: 14-15. He taught of His soon coming sacrifice. Then from the cross He fulfilled the propitiation as He sprinkled His precious blood down through the broken rock and into the wilderness tabernacle. After the blood had sprinkled on the mercy seat and all the furnishings, Jesus said, “It is finished!”

Long did the promised propitiation blood of Christ lay on the earthly mercy seat as it waited in the thick darkness until the fullness of time had come for God to prove that He had perfectly performed His bloody propitiation sacrifice, just as He had promised! “Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us.” 1 Corinthians 5:7.

After much praying and exploring, Ron Wyatt was led by the Holy Spirit to find Christ’s unique blood in the cave under the crucifixion site. The blood of Jesus had been sprinkled throughout Moses’ hidden ‘tabernacle of witness’, falling on every piece of the furnishings, exactly according to the plans that God had given to Moses at Sinai.

Ron discovered several wondrous things but he was humbled by the profound miracles that God performed in his life. He often prayed for divine encounters and was given many. Ron was miraculously led to the promised testimony; the proof of the sacrifice that God said He would leave in the earth for a witness in the last days. Several times I heard my friend and colleague, Ron Wyatt, make statements like: “I’m no different from anybody else; God needed some work done and I just volunteered.” Ron worked very hard to help prepare a people for the soon coming of Jesus. When I started comparing Ron Wyatt’s God-given work with the work of John the Baptist, my list grew longer than I had expected it to:




God entrusted John the Baptist with sacred truths and a special work that He gave no other.

God entrusted Ron Wyatt with sacred truths and a special work that He gave no other.

John performed his work just prior to the beginning of the Anti-typical sanctuary services.

Ron performed his work just prior to the ending of the Anti-typical sanctuary services.

John sometimes felt alone in bearing the responsibility laid upon him. He was a humble person preparing the way for Someone greater that he.

Ron sometimes felt alone in bearing the responsibility laid upon him. Ron was a humble person preparing the way for Someone greater that he.

John was exalting Jesus, not himself.

Ron was exalting Jesus, not himself.

John had a powerful message about the Lamb of God who would take away the sins of the world.

Ron had a powerful message about the Lamb of God who did take away the sins of the world.

John was a reformer who practiced temperance. He dressed simply and ate simply.

Ron was a reformer who practiced temperance. He dressed simply and ate simply.

John was a vegetarian. He mostly ate wild honey and carob pods from locust trees in the wilderness.

Because he was a vegetarian, Ron sometimes had only bread and cheese to eat while working in wilderness areas.

John taught that the Messiah had finally come.

Ron said Messiah would come again, soon.

John preached to prepare people to have faith in the Saviour who had come to earth.

Ron preached to prepare people to have faith in the Saviour who was coming again soon.

John was sent to his own church first, and then his message went around the world.

Ron was sent to his own church first, and his messages are going all around the world.

John kept the Commandments, including the seventh-day Sabbath.

Ron kept the Commandments, including the seventh-day Sabbath.

John preached good tidings to the poor. He taught that people should repent and be baptized.

Ron preached good tidings to the poor. He taught repentance, baptism, and developing good habits.

Throngs of the common people heard John, gladly.

Throngs of the common people heard Ron, gladly.

John baptized in the Jordan River.

Ron baptized in the Jordan River.

John was compelled to bear a message he hadn’t planned to say. Though he didn’t fully understand it, he taught that Jesus would fulfill God’s propitiation promises by being the Lamb of God whose blood would take away the sin of the world. But John thought that Christ might set up His kingdom on earth at that time.

Ron was compelled to bear a message he hadn’t planned to say. Without understanding why, he miraculously foretold the exact area where the Ark of the Covenant had been hidden in the days of Jeremiah the prophet. Ron would later find it, along with proof that Jesus had offered His incorruptible blood upon the mercy seat. 

John's church leadership wanted to direct his work. John was disappointed in the reaction of the General Conference of his day.

Ron's church leadership wanted control of his archaeology. Ron was disappointed in the reaction of the General Conference of his day.

John was “the voice of one crying in the wilderness.”

Ron believed his findings would be involved in “The Loud Cry” of the last days.

Miracles were performed to encourage John in the faith of his work.

Miracles were performed to encourage Ron in the faith of his work.

John met Jesus at the Jordan River.

Ron met Jesus at the crucifixion site.

The disciples of John the Baptist personally witnessed Jesus working miracles to encourage the imprisoned John.

A physician with Ron at the crucifixion site personally heard Jesus encouraging and blessing Ron for working there.

After that personal attention from his Master, John was not discouraged in his work.

After that personal attention from his Master, Ron was no longer discouraged in his work.

John risked his life by teaching the truth.

Ron risked his life to confirm the truth.

John was imprisoned for teaching truth.

Ron was imprisoned while confirming truth.

John was mistreated by many.

Ron was mistreated by many.

John was considered a fraud.

Ron was called a fraud.

When death threatened, John didn’t despair. He died in peace, affirming his God-given duties.

When dying, Ron refused to recant. He died in peace, affirming his God-given finds.

Jesus stated that John was the prophesied Elijah.

Was Ron also an end-time Elijah?

Many people refused to humble themselves and accept new light that God gave through John.

Many people refuse to humble themselves and accept the new light that God gave through Ron.

Those who rejected John’s message also rejected Christ. Only a remnant was saved.

Are those rejecting Ron’s message also rejecting Christ? Will many be saved?


 John the Baptist…was a representative of those living in these last days to whom God has entrusted sacred truths to present before the people to prepare the way for the second appearing of Christ.

 In the last solemn work few great men will be engaged.

 As John prepared the way for the first, so we are to prepare the way for the second advent of the saviour. 

Malachi 4:5 Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD.

Luke 1:17 And he shall go before him in the spirit and power of Elias…to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.


1.      The first Elijah rebuilt the altar of God; pointing to the sanctuary system. 

2.      John the Baptist pointed to Jesus as the Lamb of the sanctuary system.

3.      Ellen White points to the sanctuary system and emphasizes faith in the blood of Jesus.

4.      Ron Wyatt found the blood of God’s Lamb in the hidden Wilderness Sanctuary; just where God reserved it as a witness and testimony that He paid for our sins with His Son’s life.


Many of God’s prophets and messengers were not accepted by their own people.


  • Moses cried unto the LORD, saying, What shall I do unto this people? they be almost ready to stone me. Exodus 17:4
  • Elijah was called the troubler of Israel.
  • Jesus answered them, Many good works have I showed you from my Father; for which of those works do ye stone me? John 10:32
  • Stephen was stoned after accusing his hearers of murdering Christ. He asked: “Which of the prophets have not your fathers persecuted?” Acts 7: 52.
  • Ellen White stated: “I have tried to bring back a good report and a few grapes from the heavenly Canaan, for which many would stone me, as the congregation bade stone Caleb and Joshua for their report. But I declare to you, my brethren and sisters in the Lord, it is a goodly land, and we are well able to go up and possess it.” Early Writings p. 13.


Isaiah 52:7 How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth SALVATION;

1 Peter 1:5, 18-20…through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time…ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things. . . . But with the precious blood of Christ. . . . manifest in these last times for you,   

Psalm 85:11 Truth shall spring out of the earth.

1Timothy 2: 5-6 …and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.

Hebrews 9:16 For where a testament is, there must also of necessity be the death of the testator

1 John 5:8-11 And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one. If we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater: for this (blood of Jesus on the earthly mercy seat) is the witness of God which he hath testified of his Son…he that believeth not God hath made him a liar; because he believeth not the record that God gave of his Son. And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal lifeColossians 1:20 And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven.            Mark 1:15 The kingdom of heaven is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.   





Ron’s Amazing Revelation

Come and hear, all ye that fear God, and I will declare what he hath done for my soul.  Ps.66:16

By Lydia Jesslyn Ice Johnson


There were no dull moments when Ron Wyatt was around! Ron was a tall middle-aged gentleman with light brown hair and light blue eyes who was genuinely friendly. He was an outgoing, talkative person who never seemed to be without something he wanted to say, and would talk to almost anyone who would take time to listen. The majority of his conversations centered on biblical themes because the Bible was his favorite book and Jesus was his best friend. He spent a lot of time trying to share his great enthusiasm for the archaeology he was involved in; whether it included something he had already accomplished or some of earth’s greatest artifacts that he was planning to find, or books that he wanted to write and illustrate, or movies that he dreamed of making.

Ron loved going on God’s errands! He would pray daily for divine encounters and was happy to recount the miracles God performed in his life. He had a faith in Jesus that I could only dream of. Ron had more ambition, determination, and faith than anyone I ever knew. He had so many ambitious plans that I thought would never be realized. I made a few attempts to get Ron to see that there would be many difficult hurdles between him and all those impossible dreams, but he refused to be affected by my negative thinking.

Ron talked more about Noah’s Ark than any other subject, and it actually became his first major “find”! That convinced me that the work he was doing had actually been designed in heaven. I am thankful that he continually trusted in God’s help and never gave up on those mammoth-sized goals. After ten years of Ron presenting evidence to the Turks, in order to honor him for the find, the Turkish government held a banquet and blood sacrifice at the site of the ark that survived the great flood. It was big news in Turkey! Later, it made the news on Television and in newspapers, magazines, and books that spread over the world.

To fulfill his ambitions, Ron made seemingly countless long and expensive trips to different countries and I thought he would never get finished with his traveling and searching for convincing artifacts. He was happiest when he had a “dig” planned, which seemed to be most of the time.

My first memories of Ron are the times I saw him, his wife Loretta, and their children, Michelle, Danny, and Ronny at church on Sabbath mornings in middle Tennessee. That was somewhere in the mid to late 1960’s. Ron and I were not well acquainted then. Our friendship came later, after we both had trained at Middle Tennessee School of Anesthesia in Madison, Tennessee, under Bernard Bowen. Over a period of several years, Ron and I became friends when we worked at the same hospitals as Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists. We attended some of the same Continuing Education classes and occasionally saw each other outside of the workplace.

Aiming for wealth or fame was not Ron’s goal when he was searching for ancient artifacts. He just wanted to work for God by actually finding significant things that proved the Bible to be a reliable history book. He thought that if he could accomplish that, then people from all over the world would hurry up and study their Bibles so they could be ready when Jesus comes. Ron was impressed with the thought that Jesus was coming really soon, but he never did any date-setting and he argued with those who did. He kept watching for biblical signs.

Over the years, Ron recruited a number of people to help him with his various projects, but he rarely seemed to have enough help. Once while making a trip alone, he met two young men who were traveling and talked them into changing their destination and going with him, instead. He even tried to get me to assist him in one way or another but, being a working mother, there wasn’t much I could do to help. Once I helped for a little while by shaping Popsicle sticks to make deck wood for a lovely model of Noah’s Ark that Ron was making to present to the Governor of Turkey.

I used to trade work shifts with Ron so he would have more consecutive days off for traveling. I remember when Ron stayed on call in the hospital for seven days and nights straight so that he could have a few weeks off to make an extended trip. Eventually, he gave up his full-time job and worked part-time at different hospitals so he could choose his work days and have as much time off as he needed for traveling, research, writing, and lecturing.

I collected information for Continuing Education classes so Ron could have immediate access for choosing where to go for the mandatory Continuing Education points he would need for recertification. He usually put off getting his points for as long as possible because he was so busy with his own agenda. Sometimes he called me at home to immediately find a brochure for upcoming Continuing Education classes. Never once did he come to get it. I had to stop what I was doing and meet him at some designated place to hand it to him. But I was glad to be able to do that.

I made a few trips to the hospital to relieve Ron long enough for him to go to his scuba diving classes. He wanted to dive in the Gulf of Aqaba to search for ancient artifacts from the Red Sea Crossing of the Children of Israel. He found an abundance of evidence there: chariot parts, wheels, hubs, and chariot beds without wheels. He let me hold a horse hoof from one of his first dives; it could have been from Pharaoh’s horse! Several times after returning from dives, Ron told me about the piles of human bones and other things he had found. He would say, “Jesslyn, I found another pile of human bones!” Another thing I could do for Ron was to be a good listener. That’s what I enjoyed the most!

From Ron’s own lips I heard not only about God’s blessings and miracles and several encounters with angels, but also about some of his disappointments and dangerous situations. He told me about people lying to him or about him, many unfulfilled promises, threats, his belongings stolen, running for his life, photographic film confiscated, fearing for the lives of his children, being kidnapped, brainwashing attempts, guns pointed at him, interrogations in Arabia, being imprisoned, planning escapes, being broke while abroad, cave-ins while digging, a great rock falling where he had just been standing, sometimes not having enough to eat, and so many other things that I can’t recall them all! But he always felt blessed of God. Being discouraged was a rare thing for Ron.

I knew Ron as an honest Christian friend but there have been many who denounced him as a deceitful person who did not find what he said he found. I have a book of about four hundred pages by two brothers (revered by many for books of truth they have written) that warns people against Ron. It is a book totally filled with lies and insinuations. It appears that they were making every effort to keep the truth from God’s people. Some who called Ron a fraud never even bothered to meet him or to research his claims. Others who did not believe Ron at first actually checked out his claims and admitted they had been wrong. Several checked out Ron’s claims in order to take credit to themselves for things Ron had already found. Many statements that have been made on television, the Internet, and in published articles, pointed to Ron as someone not to be trusted. There were many things that could have discouraged Ron, including health problems from his term in the U.S. Army that he had to deal with, and yet he was so positive that God would eventually work everything out. It seemed impossible to discourage him. I sometimes wondered how he had the courage to keep going and why he didn’t just give up and stay home. He told me that the reason he didn’t quit was because God kept dangling a carrot in front of his nose. It must have been a very lovely carrot!

Because Ron kept following that “carrot”, he was handsomely rewarded with finding the most important, most valuable, and most sought-after archaeological artifacts in the whole world. Archaeologists hated him for it! Nominal Christians didn’t appreciate him either; for proving the Bible to be true suggested that they should be obedient to God and keep His commandments. That was too inconvenient for many and some people attacked Ron’s character instead of appreciating his work.

Only once were Ron and I in Israel at the same time. That was in 1994 when Wyatt Archaeological Research was offering tours in Israel. Ron said to bring our diving fins and masks for he was planning that while the rest of the tour group was traveling from Eilat to the Red Sea Crossing site  he would take my sons, Teddy and Jesse, Jesse’s wife, Debbie, and me on a scuba dive in the Gulf of Aqaba. But, unfortunately, we had stayed too long at Mount Masada, and then our bus got lost in the wilderness of Zin at Kadesh-Barnea, so that didn’t leave us enough time to go diving in the Red Sea. Therefore, to ease our disappointment, Ron took us to the delightful underwater glass observatory at Eilat, Israel. It was as if we were being displayed inside a large aquarium and watched from the outside by the lionfish, parrot fish, and other sea creatures that were swimming up to take a look at us through the glass.

One of the highlights of the tour was the Friday evening we observed communion at the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem. Our communion glasses were made of olive wood; we got to keep them. Then Ron gave a wonderful sermon on the love of God while we were sitting on benches that were not far from what Ron said was the crucifixion site.

He had already found the famous carved ivory pomegranate from the first temple period. (I have seen it in Israel Museum. The armed guard yelled at me for fear I might touch the glass it was incased in). Ron had found Noah’s ark and much of Pharaoh’s drowned army. He knew where the real Mount Sinai and the split rock were in Saudi Arabia. He had found the drilled-out cross hole of Christ while searching for the Ark of the Covenant. After enlarging a hole in the upper part of a cave, Ron discovered all of the furnishings of the hidden wilderness tabernacle, and then he spent much time searching for the original entrance to the cave.

I learned to have confidence in Ron, both as a friend and colleague. When my eldest son, Eddie, needed major surgery, I requested that Ron give the anesthesia, which he did. All went well. Ron worked in surgery more than I did. I mostly worked in the Obstetric Department, which was where Ron and I had several interesting conversations. We didn’t work on the same shifts there. But sometimes at shift-change, when immediate services weren’t needed, the one of us being relieved would stay over for a while and we would talk in the privacy of the anesthesia room. Actually, Ron most frequently did the talking while I listened. Our shift-changes didn’t overlap very often during the times we weren’t busy but when they did, those morning conversations produced some precious memories; especially that one unforgettable morning that changed my life forever!

That very memorable morning was in the early 1980s, during the years Ron was making frequent trips to Israel and other countries. My work shift was to start when Ron’s shift ended.  Fortunately for me, it was one of the times when there was no need for anesthesia services right then, so I was hoping Ron would stay for a while and talk about one of his recent trips. But that eventful morning, he was strangely quiet and acted as though he could hardly wait to leave. I was disappointed, for I hadn’t seen him recently and wanted to catch up on his latest archaeological news. After a very brief greeting and report, Ron quickly started toward the door. But he only took a couple of steps then suddenly stopped and looked back at me as though he was about to say something. He changed his mind and turned toward the door again. Ron didn’t take more than two or three steps before he stopped and looked back again as though he were about to speak. Then, for the third time, he turned to leave.

As I was watching Ron’s strange behavior, I couldn’t help noticing that his face had a serious expression I had not seen before. It seemed that he was trying hard to summon the courage to say something and yet he was not sure whether he should say it. This gave me an uneasy feeling, for it was not at all like Ron. He usually didn’t hesitate to say just what he wanted to say. I thought he was leaving for sure this time. But again, he stopped and looked back at me as though he wanted to leave but could not.  I was surprised when he suddenly took a few steps in my direction! He stopped and stood there for a few seconds, just looking at me. I had no clue as to what he was thinking. I didn’t want to get my hopes up that I might get to hear another of his intriguing stories and then be disappointed, so I just stood there looking beyond him and tried to act unconcerned about his weird behavior.

There were only the two of us in that room, but Ron slowly glanced around as if to make sure that no one else would be able to hear whatever he was thinking of saying. I just remained still and quiet although I was beginning to get really curious about whether he was actually going to say anything. Then he stepped closer and stared directly into my face! This was getting really strange, but I kept looking away and just waited for him to speak. It was only a little while that we stood there in silence but time seemed to stand still in the quiet of his indecision and of my wondering whether or not he was going to tell me about that mysterious subject on his mind.

I finally turned and deliberately looked up into Ron’s clear blue eyes, expecting a decision one way or the other! Then he looked directly into my eyes as though seriously searching them for some kind of information. It seemed to me that he might be trying to find out if I would be open-minded enough to actually believe what he would share with me and if I didn’t believe him, at least I wouldn’t laugh or make fun of what he would say. But that didn’t make sense. I was certain he already knew I was trustworthy. Several times Ron had told me secret things about his trips—things he said not to share with anyone. I didn’t talk about those things until he later told me that I could. Once, upon returning from a trip to Israel, Ron told me he found the hill outside Old Jerusalem where Jesus was crucified. After another trip, he secretly informed me that he had finally located the hiding place of the Ark of the Covenant. He said it was in a cave under the hill where Jesus was crucified. That was great news! But I wasn’t supposed to tell, because someone would kill him if it became known too soon. He said they had ways of knowing. So now, I couldn’t figure out why Ron would be having this intense battle with himself over sharing one more secret with me. What could be more impressive than to learn of the discovery of the actual place where Jesus was crucified and the hiding place of the golden Ark of the Covenant? Surely there couldn’t be anything more awesome than that. I was ready right then, so I thought, to hear whatever it was he had to say. Why wouldn’t he just hurry up and tell me?

The seconds ticked by slowly, and I began to be concerned that his decision might be to not tell me about what was probably his latest news from Jerusalem. I dared not say anything or even break eye contact with him for fear I would distract his train of thought. Would he tell me, or wouldn’t he?

At last Ron made his decision! He would take the chance of sharing this particular secret with me. But a big surprise was coming––one that neither of us was in any way prepared for! Still closely watching my face for any reaction, and looking directly down into my eyes, Ron simply stated in one emotionally profound sentence, “Jesslyn, the blood of Jesus fell on the Mercy Seat and that’s when our sins were forgiven!” 

That is all he said, but it was enough. I was astounded! I was speechless! That news was so shocking to me that I felt I was going to pass out! My heart seemed to stop! My emotions ran wild and I felt as though my entire body had instantly become as stiff as stone! I couldn’t move! I couldn’t breathe! I didn’t understand what was happening to me. It was frightening!

My involuntary reaction to Ron’s news was certainly not from disbelief. I believed it all right––with all of my heart and soul I believed it! Ron’s precious secret was the most welcome of any news I had ever heard in my life! I had good reason to think that Ron would never find anyone else in the whole world who would believe it as instantly and completely as I did. I would gladly have explained to Ron why I was so overjoyed to hear it, but I wasn’t able to. I could not speak. I could not move. I could not take a breath. I could not feel my heart beating. From the instant Ron told me that the blood of Jesus fell on the Mercy Seat, I could not move a muscle; not even to lower my head from looking up at him or to close my eyes or blink. I didn’t even have control of what I was seeing, for I could no longer see Ron though he was standing directly in front of me!

Our eyes were closely focused on each other’s and yet his were not the eyes I was seeing now. I was astounded by what was happening! Instantly, I felt a mighty rush of wind that seemed to carry me through the sky at lightning speed. I was instantly transported back in time as though in vision; back to childhood days in Poplar Bluff, Missouri, where I had attended grade school for a few years in the lower portion of the little brick church at the corner of Maud and Selma Streets. The right side of the building formed one wall of the large school room and contained windows. One window was open and I was quickly, but gently, deposited there, sitting on the windowsill, facing in. As I gazed into the room, everything looked familiar––the pale green walls, the maroon tiled floor, the teacher’s large brown desk in the front. There was one person in the room. I instantly recognized her.

Standing alone in the center of the room was a slender, fifth-grade girl. She was staring directly at me as she stood facing the window where I was sitting. Her thick brown hair was long and straight, falling below her shoulders. She was wearing a simple, light-colored, cotton print dress with pastel flowers. It had short puff sleeves and a gathered skirt that came just below her knees. Her shoes were brown and laced. Her arms were hanging down by her sides. She did not smile or move. She looked very real, but she was as still as a statue. The most notable thing about her was her face. It had a painfully bewildered expression! That pitiful expression remained changeless as she stared intently into my face.

The girl’s eyes were deliberately focused on mine and I had no power to avoid staring deeply into hers. These were the eyes I was seeing instead of Ron’s. The child had a question that she was desperately longing to have answered and she was looking directly to me for the answer. I knew exactly who she was and what she was thinking, because she was me at age ten. I easily read her thoughts and keenly felt her emotions as I stared into her sad eyes. The poor girl was worrying about the mystery of whatever happened to the blood of Jesus. Her important question was: “Why didn’t God put the blood of His Lamb on the Mercy Seat like He was supposed to do?”

At school, we had had interesting Bible classes about the ancient wilderness sanctuary services with its animal sacrifices. I knew that God required perfection in the sanctuary services because He killed two priests for not doing things right. Because God was the One who had made the sanctuary rules, I thought that God was not fair to make human priests abide by those rules when He didn’t seem to have obeyed them Himself when it became His turn to sacrifice His Anti-typical Lamb. I knew that the blood of bulls and goats could never take away sin, for sin could only be cleansed by the “better blood” of Jesus. What I couldn’t figure out was why God would let His Lamb bleed on the cross until He died and then not bother to finish His Sacrifice by applying that blood as He should have, on the Mercy Seat. I knew that a sacrifice was not complete until the blood was properly sprinkled. There is no forgiveness without the blood of Jesus being sprinkled on the mercy seat. That is what the mercy seat was made for in the first place!

I understood that Jesus’ blood had flowed down the cross for hours and that after His death John witnessed where the blood and water went after the Roman spear was thrust into Jesus’ side. But I had never heard anyone speak of the actual sanctuary application of the blood of God’s Lamb. I had heard countless sermons on the crucifixion of Jesus, but not one had ever told the whole story. Where, oh where was the blood?

I really wanted to go to heaven, but I didn’t think it was a possibility if the blood of Jesus had not been sprinkled where Scripture says it must be placed. If His blood was not in place so heaven could be available to me, then what good would it do me to try to be a good child? I needed an answer about the blood, but I didn’t know where to get it. I was an intelligent student, but I could not find a way to solve this troubling problem.

For many years I had lived with the fear that I would never understand that nagging mystery of the missing blood. But now, just this morning, I had heard the good news of Ron’s latest discovery. He had actually seen the blood of Jesus, and it had been properly applied on the mercy seat! I experienced wonderful relief when Ron told me the good news, and now I could answer the sad girl in the vision so she could smile again. My heart seemed knit with her heart and I wanted to put my arms around her and gently let her know that she didn’t have to worry anymore about whether her sins could be forgiven. I desperately wanted to hug her and lovingly explain that the blood of Jesus really did fall on the Mercy Seat! Still looking deeply into her eyes and feeling her distress, from my seat on the windowsill I tried to lift my arms and reach out to her, but I could not move and neither did she. Because I could not reach her, I tried as hard as I could to speak some words of comfort to her but I could not move my lips.

Then I suddenly felt a strange sensation like a very strong suction of wind pulling on me from behind. I was totally helpless as I was being sucked backward out of the window and away from the girl. For a little while I felt overwhelming emotion about not being able to share my good news and cheer that sad little face! As I was being moved swiftly backward through the air, I could not see my surroundings. It came to my mind that it was impossible to console a child of bygone days, for history cannot be changed. My past was past; I was no longer a child. I was starting to feel relaxed about the shocking information that Ron had just surprised me with.

Suddenly I became aware that I was back in Tennessee and standing in the same place and position as when Ron had finally delivered his wonderful, most welcome message. I was still totally stiff and could see nothing even though my eyes were open and my head tilted upward as when looking at Ron.

Then my ability to see started to slowly return, not from the center of my eyes, but from the sides. From the peripheral vision of my right eye, I noticed Ron walking. He was no longer in front of me but was headed for the door again! I have no clue as to how long he had stood in front of me while I was seeing the vision instead of him. If he spoke to me again that morning, I did not hear him. I had not been able to see him when he first stepped away. As Ron was going toward the door, I could not move my eyes, yet I could see that he was slumped over a bit and moving quite slowly. I wasn’t surprised at the very puzzled look on his face! I desperately didn’t want to be left alone in that condition, but I was unable to communicate with him. I was curious as to what he was thinking about my strange reaction to his wonderful revelation but I was unable to move or speak to him as he softly tiptoed out of the room, leaving me all by myself.

Shortly after Ron was out of sight, I felt my body relaxing. The stiffness didn’t go away as fast as it had come. The first area to regain feeling was my legs. There was a strange tingling sensation that moved upward. Shortly thereafter I was able to move and to breathe normally, though I was weak for a good while. I really wanted to thank Ron right then for sharing his awesome secret! He had no idea of what his news about the blood of Jesus would mean to me, for I had never shared with him that lingering question from my youth. I wanted to catch up with him and call him back so I could explain about the tremendous relief to finally have the answer I had waited so long to hear. But by that time I was sure Ron had already left the hospital. And so, in overwhelming awe, I sat down alone to ponder this extraordinary experience. I had been left in no condition to work that day, but providentially, God kept my phone from ringing for several hours.

I felt abundantly blessed to finally have the answer to my life’s most important question! God’s Sacrifice was finished after all! Of course it would be, for God does all things well. I was so relieved to know that the precious blood of Jesus had taken its rightful place—its heaven-appointed place—upon the Ark of the Covenant that was made at Sinai for that very purpose.

Since my youth, I had learned that God really did love me because He definitely had answered prayers and performed miracles just for me. And so, long ago I had taken the chance of believing that maybe, somehow, God might have secretly finished His Sacrifice without advertising the fact. I figured that as long as God’s blood application was a mystery, then trying to have a little faith in God’s Sacrifice was my only hope of being saved. But whatever happened to the blood of Jesus had long remained a mystery for me until that morning—that very unforgettable morning—when Ron spoke those never-to-be-forgotten words, “Jesslyn, the blood of Jesus fell on the Mercy Seat, and that’s when our sins were forgiven”! Oh, blessed, long-awaited news!––news that nobody but God could know that I needed to hear!

I had not known then that God planned to someday reveal to the last generations the personal testimony and witness of His sacrifice. When the fullness of time had come, God started carrying out that plan by sending His servant, Ron Wyatt, to find the actual evidence of the promised propitiation—the gift of the blood of the Lamb of God upon the Mercy Seat. Then my heavenly Father remembered the longings from my youth to understand more about His Anti-typical Offering, and in His loving kindness He decided to let me be among the first to know the newly revealed truth about His perfect, nothing-left-out blood Sacrifice. I’m glad it was Ron, my trusted friend, whom God directed that morning to testify to me personally about the discovery of that precious atoning blood.

Sharing that latest Jerusalem secret with me must have been the only job that Ron ever tried to run away from! I am so thankful that God kept turning him around until he finally told me about that amazing discovery. And then God created a unique way to teach me that He had never forgotten about my childhood questions. He showed me myself as a questioning child to remind me of what I had desperately wanted to know. He indelibly planted in my mind the fact that He had not forgotten to grant my wish, even though I didn’t have faith the size of a grain of mustard seed. It was as if God was saying to me, “Attention, Jesslyn! See how you have wasted time doubting my Sacrifice? I do not make mistakes. I have a time for everything, including the time for answering your childhood question. I have removed my hand from hiding the evidence and your wish is now granted!”

I now have perfect freedom in knowing that my sins can be washed away by the blood of the Lamb. Daily, I thank God for His loving kindness in teaching me to have faith in Jesus. My life has not been the same since that special morning––that very memorable morning––in the anesthesia room when God used Ron and the brief little vision to actually fulfill the greatest desire of my heart!

The sprinkled blood in the hidden earthly tabernacle is evidence that God really did observe the sanctuary rules that He made and that He is continuing to carry them out in heaven in the sanctuary of the New Covenant. The earthly sanctuary was just a tiny shadow of the heavenly one. Its purpose was to show us what would also take place after the crucifixion. Priests could not enter the Most Holy Place without the blood of the victim, so Christ has presented before the Father His own precious blood and has sprinkled it in every place it was designated to go, using the same rules that Moses used to sprinkle the blood on everything in the sanctuary, and then on the people. (Exodus 24:6–8, Hebrews 9:11–23.) Because God does not make mistakes, half of the blood was reserved to sprinkle the people just as Moses had done. Christ uses His ‘fountain of blood’ to purify our prayers and cleanse our confessed sins until the end of the Antitypical Day of Atonement when He will throw the censer down and again say, “It is finished!” At that time, there will be no more blood to cover the guilty.

“So shall he sprinkle many nations.”––Isaiah 52:15

“Unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ . . .” —1 Peter 1:2

“To Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling . . .” —Heb.12:24

“The sins of the world were laid upon the Lord Jesus, and He died for those sins according to the Scriptures. The blood of the Lamb of God, which was shed for our transgressions of God’s law, is that by which our High Priest enters the heavenly sanctuary (Heb. 9:12), and which, as our advocate, He offers for us in that sanctuary (Heb. 12:24; 1 Pet. 1:2; 1 John 2:1, 2). His great work, which began with the act of bearing the sins of the world at His death, He here carries forward by pleading the cause of penitent sinners, and presenting for them His blood, which had been shed as the great sacrifice for the sins of the world. The work in the earthly sanctuary was essentially the same thing. The sins were there laid upon the victim, which was then slain. The blood of that sacrifice, bearing that guilt, was sprinkled in the sanctuary to make reconciliation for the sinner (Lev. 4:4-6).”—John N. Andrews, 1872.

“There is a fountain filled with blood, drawn from Immanuel’s veins; 
 And sinners plunged beneath that flood, lose all their guilty stains.    
The dying thief rejoiced to see that fountain in his day,  
And there may I, though vile as he, wash all my sins away”.

                                                                                  ––William Cowper 1770

“Still bearing humanity, He ascended to heaven, triumphant and victorious. He has taken the blood of His atonement into the holiest of all, sprinkled it upon the mercy-seat and His own garments, and blessed the people. Soon He will appear the second time to declare that there is no more sacrifice for sin.” {Youth’s Instructor, July 25, 1901}

“Christ was hated by evil men because His character was spotless, His works righteous. He came to be the Redeemer of the world, yet He was taken by wicked hands, and shamefully entreated, and crucified. God raised Him from the dead, and He ascended to Heaven to present His blood as the propitiation for our sins.” (Review and Herald 1881-09-20)

“Jesus is officiating in the presence of God, offering up His shed blood, as it had been a lamb slain. Jesus presents the oblation offered for every offense and every shortcoming of the sinner.” {1Selected Messages 343}

“Then I saw Jesus, who had been ministering before the ark containing the ten commandments, throw down the censer…. and now there was no atoning blood to cleanse the guilty, no compassionate Saviour to plead for them, and cry, ‘Spare, spare the sinner a little longer’” (Early Writings 279, 281)

In my memory I hear Ron tell me again

That the precious blood did not go to waste.

Jesus took some to heaven and offers it there

As our High Priest in the Most Holy Place.


Please… don’t let your share of that very unique and precious blood go to waste!



Remembering Ron ’s Funeral

 By Lydia Jesslyn Johnson

Updated 2-20-21.


Early in the morning, on Wednesday, August 4, 1999, Elizabeth Rives called to inform me that Ron Wyatt had just died and that his funeral would be in two days!  Only two days! How could all the people who would want to attend Ron’s funeral have time to make travel arrangements and arrive by Friday? Some would have to come from as far away as the other side of the world. I was certain that many people from everywhere would like to be at the funeral of this most amazing man of God!

 Both Elizabeth and I were distressed that the funeral would be so soon! Some people wouldn’t get to hear about it until it was too late. Elizabeth said to start calling everybody I could think of. I wasn’t sure who or what numbers to call, but I did my best. The only telephone books I had were for middle Tennessee. I spent ten long, busy hours on the phone calling everyone I could think of and asking them to spread the word.

 I understood that Mary Nell had reasons for wanting to just get the funeral over with. She was quite stressed and in much need of rest and sleep. She had known that Ron’s health problems were serious but she trusted that God might heal him so he could continue to work for the Lord. One time she had said to me, “Oh, don’t worry about him, Jesslyn. God’s not through with him yet.” The timing of Ron’s death may have come as somewhat of a surprise for her.

  I will always be grateful for having had the privilege of spending some time with Ron in his hospital room shortly before he died. I live in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, and had traveled to Baptist Hospital in Memphis, where I had spent about 24 hours in the single-patient hospital room of my friend, Ron Wyatt. I left home on Monday, August 2, and returned home Tuesday evening, August 3, before Elizabeth called the following morning.

 Ron had not been in good health for approximately two years, and maybe longer. He was good at concealing just how bad he felt. Lately, he had been obviously much worse! Mary Nell worked hard trying to give Ron the care he needed. Now, she was badly in need of rest.

 Mary Nell had accepted my offer to come to Memphis and relieve her on Monday night so she could go to a hotel and hopefully, get a good night’s sleep. When I arrived at Ron’s room about 2:30 pm, Richard Rives and Mary Nell were with Ron. Ron smiled and waved to me. A doctor was there, preparing Ron’s abdomen for an abdominocentesis to give Ron’s lungs more room to function. When the doctor looked at the blood-tinged fluid he had withdrawn, he predicted {but not in Ron’s hearing} that Ron would not live more than two or three weeks.

 Around three pm, Richard and Mary Nell planned to leave for a while. Richard had been trying, without success, to get Ron to eat his lunch. Richard told me to try to get Ron to eat while they were gone. I tried a few times, but he refused even one bite. Ron was receiving multiple bags of IV fluids of different kinds. He was getting intravenous liquid nutrients. His mouth and lips were very dry. He was thirsty but he could only swallow about half a teaspoon of water at a time. Each time I gave him a tiny sip of water or wiped thick dried mucus from his mouth, he would say, “Thank you.” Mostly, it was just a whisper. I told him to save his breath; he didn’t need to thank me.

  I was told that Ron hadn’t been sleeping well so I was careful to keep quiet. I had questions for him, but I did not ask them. Many times, during the long night he was interrupted by the nurses entering and turning the overhead lights on. They had many duties to fulfill. They checked on him often. He received a blood transfusion that night.

 Once, he said that he wanted to sit up on the side of the bed. I wondered if we could really do it. Ron insisted. I moved the sheet back and carefully watched for tubes to avoid. I bent down over Ron and he put his hands on my shoulders and held tight while I pulled back until he was sitting up. Then together, we slowly moved his legs to the edge and then down over the side of the bed, being careful of the catheter that was under the leg of his pajamas. We made it with no problem! I stood in front of him as he sat there appearing pleased with himself, but it didn’t last long. Seemingly, in just a few seconds, Ron said, “I have to lie down.” He didn’t say why. So, I helped him lie down. He didn’t frown or groan or give any indication of pain. He never asked for pain medicine while I was with him.

 Ron did not sleep well that night due partially, at least, to all the nursing activities. He took short naps. In the wee hours of the morning, Ron said something I didn’t understand. His eyes were closed, and he was quietly mumbling. I stood up and asked what he had said. He continued mumbling as though he didn’t hear me, so I bent down low with my ear near his mouth. I couldn’t understand all of his words, but I understood enough to believe that he was dreaming that he was standing in front of an audience and giving a lecture. Amazing! To think that even though he was on his deathbed, he was still trying to win more souls for his LORD.

 Ron did not save money for the future. He believed that Jesus was coming very soon. He wanted to alert the world that it was time to get ready, so he put everything he had into the work for Christ. He had dedicated his life to helping people everywhere to understand that the Bible is truly a history book to be trusted. He searched for and found physical proof that many of the Bible stories were true. To this end he had prayed for help and was not disappointed. Ron was not prideful. He was a very humble man who prayed for divine encounters and was given many. He was comfortable speaking and praying in public. He enjoyed sharing and caring. He had previously told me that he no longer prayed for himself. Instead, he prayed for others. He asked me to pray for his children. I continue to do so.   

Ron was loyal to the work God gave him to do. He actually accomplished most of what he had always wanted to do, and much more than he had originally planned. A lot of the work was hard and expensive and required a lot of study, prayer, courage, and faith. The three long years that Ron kept up the digging trips to find the Ark of the Covenant seemed to take forever! Ron did not feel worthy of doing this work for God, but he was very grateful for the opportunity. He said that if someone else had been chosen to do these things, he still would have wanted to have a part in it. Ron gave his all.

Ron’s name is mentioned in lots of books, videos, newspapers, and magazines around the world.  Stories of Ron and his work have been on national and international television. Therefore, I felt that the world should mourn for Ron. He belonged to them also, and Ron knew it. He always said these things were for the world.

 Ron’s funeral was not a funeral of great expense. There was obvious simplicity. I was not surprised when I saw that Ron was not laid out in a handsome suit.  He wore a simple, dark, multi-colored plaid, long-sleeve shirt, and the khaki-colored many-pocketed vest that he had worn on trips for exploring, excavating, and giving lectures in different parts of the world. His simple casket was draped with a large red, white, and blue flag, which would later be ceremoniously folded and given to Mary Nell, for Ron had served his beloved country in the army. His military tomb marker shows that he was in the Korean war.  


Sheila Robertson, MD, was a missionary doctor who wrote her own Bible Studies. When she heard about Ron’s finds she believed them instantly and properly put them with Bible verses. She had great respect for Ron and had wanted to spend some time with him. She went with me to Ron’s funeral.  My youngest son, Teddy, was there. I was pleased to see more people than I had expected, but there weren’t nearly as many as I thought should be there. We made our way to the center row of seats, not far behind where the family was seated.

 Mary Nell had requested “no flowers” but there were lots of them. Soon beautiful music filled the large chapel as Elizabeth Rives started playing a lovely hymn on the organ.

 It was a nice service. Ron’s brother, Bill, officiated. After an interesting talk about Ron’s life, he gave an opportunity for others to speak. A long line of people quickly gathered, and we got to hear about two hours of wonderful personal testimonies about God’s servant, Ron Wyatt, who, in giving his all to give the redeeming message of God to a dying world, gave himself. 

 Heavenly angels are now watching over the precious dust of this servant of God, and he will come forth at the sound of the last trumpet! His crown will be heavy with stars! 

~   ~   ~  ~   ~





By Lydia Jesslyn Ice Johnson  



Alone, in the garden, the cup trembled in His hand.

But He would have to drink it, if He would rescue man.

His people didn’t want Him, His glory was denied.

They had Him nailed upon a cross, and that is where He died.


So carefully they chose a lamb for that Passover day.

But the high priest dropped the butcher knife––the lamb got away!

The true Passover Lamb of God was on the cross, instead.

A spear was thrust into His side, to make sure He was dead.


But His blood wasn’t wasted! That precious sacred blood

Did wend its way from rivulets into a cleansing flood.

Down through the broken rock it poured, beneath His naked feet,

And in the dark, it puddled on the golden mercy seat!





God’s Aromatherapy

By Lydia Jesslyn Ice Johnson


There’s the loveliest Rose blooming o’er the garden wall;

It branches up and over, trailing to the ground.

And the cascading blossoms are free to one and all;

The perfect bouquets can always be found.


Rose of Sharon, ever-blooming flower,

Sending down your blessings from the heavenly bower;

Precious healing fragrance freely you impart,

Rose of Sharon, bloom in my heart.


God removed from His garden His one and only Rose––

Transplanted it upon the earth for saving man.

They just called it a dry root and planned for its depose.

God took it back to His garden again.


Rose of Sharon, blooming for us all

In the land of love beyond the garden wall;

Help us cling to Thee lest we should drift apart.

Rose of Sharon, bloom in my heart.


Are you weary of bearing your burdens every day?

Just leave with Jesus all your cares and all your woes.

You can breathe sweetest fragrance from heaven right away

If you will take time to smell of the Rose.


Rose of Sharon, heaven’s Royal Flower,

Lift us up in glory to the heavenly bower.

Until I am with Thee nevermore to part,

Rose of Sharon, bloom in my heart.





Lydia Jesslyn Ice Johnson


The Bridegroom came far from His Father’s house

To win back the heart of His bride.

He worked so hard for many long years

To bring her again to his side.


Once, she’d been faithful in the Eden home,

Before the time of the Fall.

The dowry was high but He loved her so;

He promised that He’d pay it all!


God’s precious Son came and canceled her debt;

It took everything that He had.

And His tender heart broke when separated from

His eternal friend––His Dad.


On the cross, the blood flowed from His head to His feet

‘Till His veins were completely dried.

Then His heart was pierced and drained to the dregs

To pay for His wayward bride.


The dowry Christ paid could not see corruption;

His lifeblood cannot be diminished.

That pure crimson stream will continue to flow

‘Till He stands up and says, “It is finished!”


He arose from the tomb when the Father called, 

Then went to prepare for the marriage.

He promised to return in the same way He left,

In His faithful angelic carriage.


Often, it was night when the bridegrooms appeared;

This wedding will be no exception.

At midnight the chariot will come for the church

And take her to the Father’s reception.


Wedding feasts were traditionally held in the fall

 At the harvest time in the east.

So then, perhaps the Bridegroom will arrive for us

In the fall at the Tabernacle Feast?


The church must be ready to meet the Bridegroom,

With robes washed as white as the snow.

The lamp must be filled and the veil in its place,

Not a spot or a wrinkle must show. 


Get ready, get ready, to meet your true Love;

The wedding day finally draws nigh!

The little black cloud will get bigger and brighter

As we watch toward the eastern sky.


All eyes will see Him, then we’ll rise in the air

With our guardian angels attending.

The wedding supper awaits us at the Father’s house.

We’ll be seven glorious days ascending.




Lydia Jesslyn Ice Johnson 

Come, climb up with me, if you will

To the altar high up on Moriah’s hill.

It’s there that we will humbly kneel

On the rock at the foot of the cross.


The altar is where the cross was based

So Christ’s blood could be Anti-typically laced

To everywhere it was supposed to be placed

From the altar at the foot of the cross.


It seemed that His blood would never stop

As it flowed and sprinkled drop by drop

To the bottom of the mighty altar rock

That held up the foot of the cross.


The altar of which the prophets writ

Received the blood, (’most every bit.)

For-sure that solid rock was slit,

Split-through from the foot of the cross.


God’s Holy Word did not see defeat;

The precious blood landed on the Mercy Seat

Where Christ performed His greatest feat;––

Propitiation––at the foot of the cross!


To the crimson cross I will daily cling

And His praises I will gladly sing.

Ascending to heaven, Jesus really did bring

His blood from the foot of the cross!


There’s only one medium that can set us free;

It flowed through that altar at Calvary.

Our High Priest can sprinkle both you and me

With His blood from the foot of the cross.


Isaiah 52:15 So shall he sprinkle many nations;

1 Peter 1:2 sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ:

Dan. 9:24 Seventy weeks…to anoint the Most Holy Place.

Lev. 17:11 For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar

Hebrews 12:24 And to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling.

The mission of Christ…that called him from the throne of God to the mystery of the altar. R&H-1894, Ellen White  
…The blood fell, drop by drop, upon the rock drilled for the foot of the cross. Desire of Ages p760, Ellen White





Lydia Jesslyn Ice Johnson––7-16-12


I couldn’t understand the deep situation

About the cross of Christ and propitiation;

But I was just a child.

This deep dark mystery I could not learn,

Though my troubled heart felt much concern,

‘Till it was reconciled.


The Lambs were slain at the sanctuary,

But I thought that God was so contrary

When He did His Sacrifice.

He didn’t seem to follow the original plan

That He had laid out for redeeming man.

My judgment wasn’t nice.


But God was God and He cannot lie;

When He hung His Lamb on the cross to die,

His orders were not diminished.

All of the things that the Father had willed,

Without exception, were truly fulfilled.

Then Christ said, “It is finished!”


At the cross, the Father agreed with His Son;

Phase one of the redemption plan was done.

That’s when He tore the curtain.

Christ’s flowing blood constituted redemption;

His baptism of blood was no exemption.

God’s propitiation was certain!


The precious blood had fallen on the mercy seat

Positioned down below underneath his feet

In Moses’ Wilderness Tent.

The tent was well hidden under Mount Moriah;

By the Levites’ instruction from King Josiah.

So, THAT’S where the ark went!!


Propitiation was fulfilled as it should have been.

And God sent a friend to help fill me in.

I learned the truth from Ron.

I’m so glad to know God’s promises are true!

And I want to share the Good News with you.

Truth is marching on!





Author unknown


A pretty maid, a Protestant, was to a Catholic wed.

To love all Bible truths and tales, quite early she’d been bred.

It sorely grieved her husband’s heart that she would not comply,

And join the mother church of Rome and heretics deny.


So day-by-day he flattered her, but still she saw no good

Would ever come from bowing down to idols made of wood.

The mass, the host, the miracle, were made but to deceive:

And transubstantiation, too, she’d never dare believe.


He went to see his clergyman and told him his sad tale.

“My wife is an unbeliever, sir; you can perhaps prevail.

For all your Romish miracles, my wife has strong aversion,

To really work a miracle may lead to her conversion.”


The priest went with the gentleman – he thought to gain a prize.

He said, “I will convert her, sir, and open both her eyes.”

So when they came into the house, the husband loudly cried,

“The priest has come to dine with us!”  “He’s welcome,” she replied.


And when at last the meal was o’er, the priest at once began,

To teach his hostess all about the sinful state of man;

The greatness of our Saviour’s love, which Christians can’t deny,

To give Himself a sacrifice and for our sins to die.


“I will return tomorrow, lass, prepare some bread and wine;

The sacramental miracle will stop your soul’s decline.”

“I’ll bake the bread,” the lady said.  “You may,” he did reply.

“And when you’ve seen this miracle, convinced you’ll be, says I.”


The priest did come accordingly, the bread and wine did bless.

The lady asked, “Sir, is it changed?”  The priest answered, “Yes,

It’s changed from common bread and wine to truly flesh and blood.

Begorra, lass, this power of mine has changed it into God.”


So having blessed the bread and wine, to eat they did prepare.

The lady said unto the priest, “I warn you, take care,

For half an ounce of arsenic was mixed right in the batter.

But since you have its nature changed, it cannot really matter.”


The priest was struck real dumb––he looked as pale as death.

The bread and wine fell from his hands and he did gasp for breath.

“Bring me my horse!” the priest cried.  “This is a cursed home!”

The lady replied, “Begone, ‘tis you who shares the curse of Rome.”


The husband, too, he sat surprised, and not a word did say.

At length he spoke, “My dear”, said he, “The priest has run away;

To gulp such mummery and tripe, I’m not for sure quite able.

I’ll go with you and we’ll renounce this Roman Catholic fable.”









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